24340 Sherwood
Center Line, MI 48015
- 8,300 sq. ft. Industrial Building
- 900 sq. ft. Centrally Air Conditioned Offices
- 1,100 sq. ft. of Centrally Air Conditioned Second Floor Office, Engineering or Storage, etc.
- Free Standing
- 2 Ton Crane Over Entire 60' Clear Span Bay
- 16' Clear Under Joists
- Heavy Power
- Floor Drains
- Two 12' x 14' Automatic Drive in Doors
- Outside Storage
- Plenty of Parking
- Ideal for Precision Shop, Manufacturing, Warehouse, etc.
- Close to I-696 and Other Major Arteries
- Competitive and Negotiable Rental
For Further Information Contact:
Jeffrey Brodsky
(248) 548-0880 Phone
(248) 548-0889 Fax